Thursday, April 29, 2010


Founding of the Convent St. Joseph’s Home in Dolnja—Tuzla, the Foundations in Crakow and Hirschtetten, enlargement of various branches of the Congregation.

Besides the three foundations in the year 1885 already mentioned, the way was prepared for a fourth at the same time. Namey, the congregation received, thanks to His Excellency the Imperial Finance Minister von Kallay, a gift from the Bosnian government of a piece of land of outstanding quality, measuring two hundreds yoke, only about 25 minutes distant from Dolnja—Tuzla. Its reclamation, however, cost much money and even more effort because the ground was uneven and partly cut by deep gullies and the brush was only removed with untold difficulty. The sisters commissioned by Mother Franziska to do the clearing had to take their meals in a miserable clap—board hut. Since the cooking was done in the same hut, the heat was nearly unbearable. After the strenuous work of the day they still had to make their way to Tuzla to enjoy there a short night’s rest. When Mother Franziska came to Tuzla on April 17, 1886 she found about seventy yoke cleared and cultivated. She was immensely happy over this industriousness and zeal of the sisters, but more so over the joyful self—sacrifice with which they accepted every strain and difficulty. During this stay Mother Franziska also gave the order to build a house on this property which she intended to call “Joseph’s Home”. She wanted to develop a model farm here as in Slatina near Sarajevo and in Breske, intending it also to help with the upkeep of the house in Tuzla.
April 28 was the day set as the opening of the Doboy—Dolna—Tuzla railroad line, planned with great festivities, because the presence of the Imperial Finance Minister von Kallay and many important persons from Vienna and Budapest were expected. The sisters in Tuzia had to decorate the church, school and convent and Mother Franziska arranged these things with her usual taste. She also went with some sisters to the railroad station for the welcome of the Ministers. Their Excellencies, von Kallay, and the Regional Governor Baron Appel with their wives, greeted Mother Franziska in the most cordial way. The next day these personages visited the sisters in their little residence and also the school where they received a respectful greeting from the children. They also visited the sisters in Joseph’s Home and in Breske in order to see everything and Mother Franziska received unanimous praise for her arrangements. On May 3 she continued her trip to Sarajevo where the visit of the Archduke Albrecht was announced for the 15th. The important guest was most solemnly received by the entire population. The pupils and students of the sisters were also lined up for the greeting. Mother Franziska who was also present, received a greeting from the Archduke as soon as His Highness caught a glimpse of her. On the 25th the Archduke and many important persons made a visit to the festively decorated St. Joseph and Marian Institutes. After the formal greeting and a visit to the house chapel, His Highness, guided by Mother Franziska, visited the school and other places, expressing high praise for the practical arrangement of the institutes and especially over the great number of orphans. As a special sign of graciousness the Archduke Albrecht deigned to take along some samples of the children’s needlework as a souvenir. The day after this visit Mother Franziska returned to Tuzla to make the arrangements for Archduke Albrecht’s visit there which was planned for May 29, and also to inspect the work already begun on the Joseph’s Home Convent. On the 28th she started her return trip to Vienna. The solemn blessing of the Joseph’s Home Convent took place on September 19, 1886 the Feast of Our Sorrowful Mother. Mother Franziska could not be present on that day, but on October 1 she made another trip to Bosnia and found, to her pleasure, that the new convent was very beautifully completed.
His Excellency, the Archbishop and later Cardinal Dunajewski of Crakow had expressed the wish to Mother Franziska that there might be a “Marian Institute” erected also in Crakow. Therefore, on July 17, 1886, she sent the, until then, Superior of the house in Biala, Sister Josefa Kock, with Sister Hedwig Skrobanek to Crakow to prepare the way for such an institute. They first rented a small apartment to take in servant girls, but this proved impractical. On August 30 Mother Franziska arrived in Crakow and made untold trips for five days looking for a suitable dwelling, unfortunately, in vain. Only later they found shelter in the house of Princess Sanguska in the “Franziskanergasse”, which provided space for twenty servant girls. The institute remained there until Mother Franziska, as will be recounted later, could purchase a suitable house for it in the year 1888, because until then, all her efforts during various trips to Crakow, had remained as unsuccessful as the first time.
On October 26, Mother Franziska gave the Imperial Councilor, von Feifalik, secretary to Her Majesty Empress Elizabeth, an album, in which the practiced hand of a sister had beautifully drawn all the institutes and asked this man, very inclined toward the Congregation, to personally give it to her Majesty as the exalted protectress of the same. Thereafter, during the following month, Mother Franziska received from the Councilor von Feifalik a letter containing the following:
uWith regard to the request of the 26th of the month, I received the exalted command to transmit to the revered Congregation of the Daughters of Divine Charity the gracious gratitude of Her Majesty the Empress and Queen for the album with the views of the Congregation placed at her exalted feet and asked me to add that Her Majesty was very pleased with this offering and with true and honest satisfaction was informed of the report about the universally, richly blessed activity and the beautiful success of the Congregation under her exalted protection.
Royal Government Councilor
Gldoll, November 12, 1886.”
February 28, 1887 brought Mother Franziska a great sorrow and the Congregation a great loss. On this day the Reverend Cardinal Protector Jakobini, the fatherly friend of the Congregation, who always took the liveliest interest in its work and flourishing, passed away. Mother Franziska truly mourned the death of the noble Prince of the Church and without delay ordered common prayers and Holy Masses throughout the entire Congregation for the eternal rest of the deceased. At her request the Reverend Apostolic Nuntio, Vannutelli celebrated a Requiem for the departed in the Mother House on March 2, an, on March 5, the Auxiliary Bishop Eduard Angerer in Heart of Mary Convent.
During the course of the year 1887 Mother Franziska was forced to undertake an enlargement and renovation of the house in Troppau because of lack of and the bad roof there. At the same time she wanted to have a chapel built to honor St. Joseph. so many people, even from Prussia, came to the monthly meetings of the St. Joseph’s Association begun in the Troppau House and held separately in the German and Bohemian languages that the little chapel could no longer hold them and many had to take places in the corridor and adjoining courtyard. This condition determined Mother Franziska to make the above mentioned decisions in spite of the poverty of the Congregation, since devotion to her dear St. Joseph was very important to her. In March, 1887 she theref or traveled to Troppau to make the agreements concerning the construction and the cornerstone of the chapel was laid as early as the 24th of the same month. Mother Franziska made the trip to Troppau three times more that year to look after the construction, since this caused her much worry. The walls of the house, though thick, had no real foundation and so caused many difficulties and unforeseen expense. St. Joseph, however, made his help meaningfully evident. It was surely attributable to his intercession that six near accidents were avoided during the dangerous construction and that noble benefactors were found. A sufficient reward for Mother Franziska was the solemn blessing of the chapel on December 11, 1887 and that it was well visited, as she could see from the reports of the sisters and during later trips to Troppau.
At the end of September 1887 Mother Franziska undertook another trip to Prague and from there wanted to go to the sisters in Brunn, but this last could not take place because frequent bouts of illness made it necessary for her to return directly to Vienna from Prague. The doctor called in diagnosed peritonitis. The news of this threw the entire Congregation into the greatest consternation and continual “storm novenas” were held by the sisters and their charges for the recovery of their beloved spiritual mother. During this illness, on October 22, Mother Franziska had the joy of receiving the visit of His Excellency, the then Apostolic Nuntio to Vienna and later Cardinal Luigi Galimberti. He had only that day at noon heard about her serious illness and came immediately to express his sympathy and to inform himself of her condition. On the same day the Reverend Bishop Dunajewski of Crakow, also in Vienna at the time, came to visit, too. These joyful events had a beneficial influence on the patient. God heard the fervent prayers for the preservation of Mother Franziska and she regained her health, of course, only slowly after such a serious illness.
During her illness Mother Franziska again received a request for a foundation from Hirschstetten near Vienna. This township had been asking for two years that sisters of the Congregation would take over the direction of a Kindergarten there, but to Mother Franziska th field of work seemed too small, since she rightly believed that two to three sisters could not build a real community life as the Constitutions prescribed. She had therefor promised to send sisters to Hirschstetten if they could also give the manual arts instruction in the elementary school. After the town came to the point where they were able to do this Mother Franziska sent sisters to Hirschtetten on November 28, 1887. Besides the kindergarten and the manual arts instruction in the school, they conducted also a professional school set up by Mother Franziska. The house set aside for this foundation at first belonged to the civic community, but in 1893 Mother Franziska purchased it for the Congregation.
December 31, 1887 was the day of the 50th Jubilee of the ordination to the priesthood of His Holiness Pope Leo XIII and Mother F’ranziska used this occasion to express the childlike devotion and respectful love of herself and her spiritual daughters for the Hoiy Father in a congratulatory telegram. Also, the Congregation did not neglect to send some home made pieces to add to the gifts for ecclesiastical use that came at that time from everywhere to the Holy Father. On January 2, a telegram of gratitude with the following message arrived:

“Expressing his gratitude to the Congregation for the wishes and the gifts sent to him, the Holy Father cordially sends the desired blessing.”
Mother Franziska was very pleased about this and took it as a great grace to be able to begin the new year with the blessing of the Holy Father. At the beginning of the same she placed her Congregatidn under the protection of the Holy Family to whom she had great devotion, and to promote this devotion she ordered that from then on a Prayer of Offering to the Holy Family chosen by her be recited each Sunday in common in all houses of the Congregation. She also had 20,000 copies of this prayer printed for distribution. The blessing for this devotion was not lacking since the year 1888 would be forever a memorable one for the congregation because of the purchase of a new Mother House. Before this event, however, there are still to be recounted further enlargements of existing houses by Mother Franz iska.
In February, 1888, her greatest wish, to gain her own house for the foundation in Crakow, was fulfilled when she purchased a building in the “Bischofsgasse” from Mr. Von Wisocki. The cost for this was 25,000 guldens. Unfortunately, Mother Franziska did not have this money. On the advice of the Reverend Bishop Dunajewski she turned to Countess Potocka with the request to help her make the purchase with a loan and this noble lady gladly lent her 6,000 guldens for the down payment. So the deal was closed on February 11. Mother Franziska could now pursue her long—held plan of adding a boarding facility and school, especially for the children of the German military and civil personnel, to the section for the servant girls. Because of the lack of German Catholic schools, the children mentioned had to attend a Protestant school if their parents wanted them to receive instruction in their native language, so this decision was welcomed by the Bishop as well as by the German inhabitants of Crakow. On September 9, 1888 the house, which Mother Franziska named “Marieninstitut” was blessed by the Reverend Bishop Dunajewski. After this solemn act he turned to Mother Franziska in a talk which emphasized that he felt a special joy in having sisters from her Congregation in his diocese and what a good fortune it was for the fathers in the military to know, when they were called by the Commander—in—Chief to fight for their country, that their daughters were in such good hands. After the blessing the school was opened with sixty children. The numbers grew so quickly in such a short time that the rooms were overflowing within the first year.
Since the Marian Institute in Prague had also become too small Mother Franziska had to have a third floor built that year. In April, 1888 she made the agreement with the builder and on October 1 the blessing was undertaken by Bishop Count Schonborn with Mother Franziska present at the celebration.
As for the sisters in Crakow, so Mother Franziska was also able to acquire a house for those in Dolna—Tuzia during the year 1888. This had also been a preoccupation of longer duration for her since, for variow reasons, the building assigned by the township could no longer be used a a school and the little building that served as residence for the sisters was not suitable. On the advice of regional Governor Councilman Vukovic she purchased a suitable building site as early as February, 1887 and traveled to Tuzla on April 12, 1888 to make arrangements for the construction. She did this, of course, with a heavy heart since, as usua1 she had no money while at the same time she had the most fervent trust in the kind providence of God. On April 17, the blessing of the cornerstone. took place. The Mass celebrated on this occasion by the Pastor, was attended, besides by the sisters and their students, -by all the wcrkers involved in the building, including even the Turks and Serbs. To the joy of Mother Franziska, in a sermon, the Pastor encouraged the workers to work hard so that the building could soon fulfill its purpose. Of course, Mother Franziska also visited the sisters in Joseph’s Home and in the Emmus Convent in Breske and had the joy of seeing that the neighbors, even the Turks, had already begun to imitate the methods of the sisters in cultivating the land. The Turks said that the presence of the sisters was a blessing for the entire valley. As these had won the love of the inhabitants from the very beginning, so Mother Franziska enjoyed in Bosnia the very special respect of the inhabitants of every confession. When she came to those places where she had foundations, they called to her from all sides “Casna majka!” (Reverend Mother!) and each one wanted to greet her. She knew also, how to communicate lovingly with everyone, regardless of the station or nationality or confession they belonged to, and they were able to read her kindness and love in her face and were attracted to her, even when she could not speak the Bosnian national language and had to use a sister as translator.
In October 1888 the building in Tuzia was completed and, to the joy of Mother Franziska, the sisters and the population, was consecrated to the Divine Heart of Jesus and the Queen of the Holy Rosary on the twenty—fifth of the month. The Convent of Maria Loretto in St. Andr also experienced a valuable enlargement through Mother Franziska. It was not through building, but through the purchase of a neighboring house and 43 yoke of land (called Fuchsenhube). This house and lands were the earlier “Meierhof” of the previous Dominican Monastery, and through this purchase on June 6, 1888, were returned to the monastery, to the great joy of the inhabitants of St. Andra. For them the purchase was a real benefit, since, before there was only a courtyard and now the pupils had a garden with a playground. The farm was intended to help with the support of the convent. Since the building on the Fuchsenhube, which Mother Franziska named “Joseph’s Rest”, was in bad condition, she later, in 1893, had a new farm building erected. she always had a special joy with this property and every time she came to St. Andra she asked penetratingly about the progress on the farm and made a tour of the barns and fields. In this area she had knowledge and experience also and was able to give practical orders. During such tours of the Congregation’s farms she never missed giving a friendly word to the hired workers, encouraging them, praising them for good work and giving them a small financial gift. Such kindness was not without results, and if she here and there had to say a word of reprimand, it was usually well accepted, since the employees were convinced of her maternal kindness.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Foundations in Biala and in Zone XVIII of Vienna,
Foundations in Foherczeglak, Trip to Rome.
Soon after the arrival of the Decree of Recognition from Rome, Mother Franziska, who never allowed herself rest and was always considering how to spread more and more the work of the Congregation for the greater glory of God and the good of neighbor, again undertook the founding of another branch. A woman with the name Bachmann, had encouraged her to erect a foundation in Biala in Galizia. For this reason she sent the Superior of the Troppau house, Sister Stanislai Fu13 and Sister Magdalena Horacek, to the above named city, to inform themselves of the conditions there. The sister informed Mother Franziska that a beautiful field of work would present itself in Biala, as well as the fact that the palace Lipnik, not far from the city, owned by His Majesty Archduke Albrecht, and inhabited only by clerks, would be a suitable building for this purpose. Mother Franziska immediately took hold of this idea and with her own quick decisiveness, entered a request to His Highness that he would deign to turn over the Lipnik Palace to the Congregation for educational purposes. God blessed this request. On September 17 the courtier Jesse shared with Mother Franziska that his Royal Highness most graciously granted the requested permission with the remark that he was happy to give the palace to the Congregation because of its richly—blessed work. On September 18 Mother Franziska, who was overjoyed at the fulfillment of her wish, had the written permission in hand allowing the Congregation to take over the palace on May 1, 1885. therefor, on September 22 she traveled with sister Stanislai to Krakow to ask the Reverend Bishop Albin Dunajewski’s permission to make a foundation in his diocese. He received her in the most friendly manner, was happy that the Congregation would begin a field of endeavor in his diocese, informed himself of everything in detail, and promised to introduce the sisters into Biala himself. Mother Franziska used this time of her stay in Krakow to visit a number of the many churches and convents found there. Then, with her companion, she traveled to Biala. The first day there was very painful for her. As she wanted to view the palace the people living there, hearing the reason for her coming, were angered that they would have to leave their apartments on account of the sisters. Mother Franziska and Sister Stanislai had to make them understand that His Royal Highness can do what he wants with his property and only then were they somewhat friendlier. The palace with its 25 rooms and halls, situated in a beautiful park more than three yoke large, seemed to Mother Franziska to be very suitable for an institute. Mother Franziska enjoyed a friendly reception from the district chief, the mayor and the clergy, as well as the promise to support the planned work. After she called at the Dukal Properties Office in the nearby little town of Saybusch, she returned, via Troppau, to Vienna, where she arrived on September 29. Here Mother Franziska found a letter with the joyful news that His Royal Highness had graciously allowed that the future institute in Biala be named, after his wife, Archduchess Hildegard, “St. Hildegard”. On December 1 Mother Franziska visited the Governor of Biala who was then in Vienna. His Excellency received her in a most friendly way and told her to bring her petition the very next day so that he, himself, could look it over and advise her of any necessary changes. When Mother Franziska brought the petition, His Excellency was completely satisfied with it and expressed his joy over the fact that the Congregation would also branch out into Galizia and promised to visit the Biala institute in the coming Spring. After everything which was necessary had been arranged Mother Franziska sent Sister Josefa Kock, destined to be the Superior of the new foundation, to Biala with two sisters on January
23, 1885. She had especially chosen the Feast of the Espousal of Mary as the travel day because, with her childlike trust she wanted to ask Mary to be the Superior and Joseph to be the master of the house. On March 9 Mother Franziska traveled to Biala to arrange the adaptations of the house which his Royal Highness had deigned to allow. These began immediately after the tenants had departed on May 1. On April 4 Mother Franziska received the joyful news that Her Royal Highness the Archduchess Isabella had deigned to be Protectress of the educational institutions to be set up in Biala. Therefor she traveled to Prel3burg to thank the Archduchess for this kindness. This lady received her most graciously. On June 5 Mother Franziska had an audience with Her Royal Highness, Archduchess Adelgunde, the Duchess of Modena, who also received her very kindly and gave her a large copper engraved portrait of Archduchess Hildegard. Naturally this portrait was placed in the convent of St. Hildegard in Biala. In the meantime the renovation work there had been completed and so on June 8 Mother Franziska went to Krakow to talk with the Rev. Archbishop Dunajewski, who wanted to carry out the dedication himself, to discuss some things with him in this regard. Then she went to Biala to undertake the proximate preparations for the dedication. This took place on June 14 in the most solemn manner and became a festival for the entire Biala because the city did everything to give its very beloved Shepherd a worthy reception. He stayed at the convent. From early morning on into the night people streamed in crowds to see him and the arrangement of the palace—turned—to—convent. Mother Franziska soon had the joy of learning that the school and kindergarten in St. Hildegard convent were well attended, and that many boarders were registering for the boarding school. So this institute soon flourished and even now is a blessing for the inhabitants of Biala.
Some months after the first steps regarding the branch in Biala were made Mother Franziska also enlarged the Congregation’s activities in Vienna. In every way, when we consider foundations, the year 1885 was a busy one for Mother Franziska because it brought the Congregation three new branches. Since, through God’s blessing, the number of sisters, happily increased from year to year, and also many students and servant girls registered for acceptance, the space in the Vienna Marienanstalt had long ago become too small. Therefor, Mother Franziska, although she had no wherewithal, was forced to think about calling forth another such institute in Vienna, in order to house there the novices and the servant girls seeking employment. To this purpose she looked at various houses in January, 1885 and found a suitable house belonging to the St. Joseph’s Savings and Credit Union, in district XVIII, Johannesgasse Nr. 13 (now Lacknergasse 87). As early as January 30th, Mother Franziska verbally closed the sales contract trusting in God’s help and gave the Union as down payment the emergency fund of 175 florins she had deposited with them. On March 31 the written contract was made and Mother Franziska again had an opportunity to experience the help of St. Joseph in whom she had taken refuge. As late as the 30th a considerable sum of the amount she was to pay at the closing of the sale was still missing, and on the 31st she not only was able to meet the amount due, but even had something left over. The trust of Mother Franziska was rewarded through income whose arrival was totally unexpected. In May the tenants vacated the premises and the renovation and building of an additional floor was begun. The boarders were able to enter their new home which Mother Franziska gave the beautiful name, “Heart of Mary Convent” on July
16. On August 20th the same was solemnly dedicated by the Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna, Dr. Colestin Ganglbauer in the presence of countless clergy and other guests. In a beautiful talk His Eminence pointed out the blessed work and self—sacrificing activity of the sisters and expresse
the wish that the new Institute would bring forth much fruit for the honor of the Congregation, the edification of the faithful, the consolation of the poor and to the moral perfection of all who would dwell therein, through the blessing of God and the protection of Mary. This wish of the Cardinal did not remain unfulfilled for much good has been done in Heart of Mary Convent since that day for the servant girls seeking employment, as well as for the youth in the boarding school, grade school and kindergarten. Those sisters received on August 18, 1885 immediately began their novitiate there and Heart of Mary Convent remained the Novitiate of the Congregation until 1890.
Now we must mention the taking over of the third foundation of this year. It is the kindergarten established by His Royal Highness Archduke Albrecht on his estate Bellye (Foherczglak in present day Slovakia) for the children of his servants.
His Excellency the Apostolic Nuntio Serafino Vannutelli (now Cardinal), whom Mother Franziska admired and who was very much in favor of the Congregation thanked His Royal Highness Archduke Albrecht that he had turned over the Lipnik castle to the Congregation and at the same time asked that His Highness would deign to give over to the Congregation also the administration of the institute at Foherczglak. The Archduke said that he would gladly do this if the Bishop at Funfkirchen, in whose diocese Foherczglak was situated, would agree. As Mother Franziska learned this from His Excellency she sent her General Assistant, Sister Borgia Un and Sister Immaculata Prillinger to Funfkirchen on May 30, 1885. The Bishop Dulansky received the sisters very kindly and said it would make him very happy if the Congregation would come also to his diocese. Thereupon Mother Franziska received a letter as early as mid—June informing her in the name of Archduke Albrecht, that the administration of the Institute in Foherczglak would be turned over to her Congregation. Therefor, she went there on July 7 to speak with the manager about the furnishing of the house. It and the garden pleased her extraordinarily well. To the satisfaction of Mother Franziska, her Royal Highness Archduchess Isabella accepted the title of its protectress. The dedication took place on October 4, 1885. Mother Franziska of course went to Fdherczglak for the celebration, on the way there visiting the Bishop of Funfkirchen to thank him for accepting the Congregation into his diocese and ask for his blessing on the new foundation. Prelate Dobzay from Funfkirchen undertook the dedication. All Foherczglak took part in the celebration. When Mother Franziska came again on November 3 to Foherczglak she saw to her great joy that seventy children were already attending the kindergarten. In 1892, on the orders of Archduke Albrecht the sisters were also given the administration of the girls’ school there.
Whenever God grants a rich blessing, He usually tests also. This happened to Mother Franziska also. The year 1885 in which, to her joy, the Congregation experienced a swift growth, did not spare her a harsh trial. In July six sisters in the foundation in Dolnja—Tuzla became ill with typhoid and two of these died. Two employees also caught the disease and had to be taken to the military hospital. The house and the street were therefore sealed off. In any case, the disease was caused by the bad water. Before the conditions in Bosnia became more ordered through the Austrian government the Turks buried their dead just anywhere, even right next to houses and so it happened that the water often flowed through these graves and became polluted. It is not easy to describe the worry and care that Mother Franziska’s loving heart endured during this time and how many fervent prayers she sent to Heaven, since the sufferings of her spiritual daughters were always her own. The letter, written on
September 4, 1885 to all the sisters gives us the best insight:
“To my spiritual daughters,
A holy, but painful duty urges me to address these lines to you.
You all know how severely God has visited our poor Congregation since July through sickness and death. The sisters in the house dedicated to the Queen of the Holy Rosary had much to suffer. Sister Augustina found them in a pitiable state when she went there to visit. She did everything possible to get help for the sick. The trip was to have been a vacation for her, and now she had to care for her sick sisters which she also did with a self—sacrificing love.
Our Director Canon Jeglic, without any idea of the misery in which the sisters found themselves, had arrived days before as a God—sent consoling angel. He immediately administered the Sacraments of the Dying to the mortally ill Sister Luitgardis who received them with full consciousness, love and devotion. She was very happy to be able still to receive this consolation from the Reverend Director. On July 16 she succumbed to her great pain and was quietly buried the next day. The other sick were deeply moved by this swift death. Sister Leokadis who was summoned from Emmaus (the convent in Breske) to nurse also became ill and died in nine days of abdominal typhoid.
To this sister, too, the Director was consolation and spiritual physician. As he came again, with his fatherly care, to Tuzla on his return trip to Sarajevo, to uplift the downcast sisters, he found Sister Leokadia near death and immediately gave her the Last Sacraments. From August 11 to August 19 the sick sister received the Food of Angels three times with great devotion as food and strength for the journey to eternity. She died peacefully and with resignation on the 19th. She was buried on the 20th at 9 in the morning.
Four priests, many school children and others accompanied the coffin. You can imagine the worry about the poor sisters who are still ill. The sisters had to be brought immediately to Emmaus to allow the entire house to be disinfected. All precautions were taken to clean the plague—stricken house and well.
The poor employees, Mathias and Michael, who also had to suffer the typhoid and were cared for in the military hospital, are now the custodians of the house in Tuzla.
The last day of June Sister Theodora in Sarajevo vomited blood. She was immediately brought to Bethania and everything was done to save the life of this good, noble sister. Unfortunately, this pious sister was also to be taken from me by death. On August 29 at 11:30 in the night, peaceful and

surrendered to God, she died. Theodora gave edification throughout her days in her holy vocation and during her entire illness by her love, patience and true piety. She was valued and respected by all, a true Daughter of Divine Charity. Now this noble soul has received the reward which every holy religious may count on. On the 30th she was buried in our cemetery in Bethania next to Sister Ferdinanda. So soon had she followed the dear Sister Gregoria (Theodora’s blood sister). In this great pain about my spiritual daughters I am consoled by the thought that all three were so beautifully prepared and resigned when they left this life and that we certainly have in them intercessors before the throne of God. The Lord is harvesting, for Sister Aloisia and Sister Ruperta are now also seriously ill and the doctor has given up hope for Sister Mathaa.”
To this account Mother Franziska added in maternal care the admonition that all the sisters should take reasonable care of their health as a gift of God, thinking of being useful for the ever—growing field of activity of the Congregation. After giving some more details about the latest foundations mentioned, she closed in her accustomed cordial manner with the words, “God bless you all. Recommending you to the care of the holy Angels, I am, in love.
faithful mother,
Sister M. Franziska Lechner.
Actually, Mother Franziska’s life was richly blessed with sufferings and trials. It may seem, of course, because of the rapid succession of foundations, that luck was constantly lending her a hand and that everything was always going smoothly, but this was not so. We have often told of the countless money worries of Mother Franziska and these were multiplied by the interest payments to be made on loans needed to build or buy her houses. Besides these cares and the worries entailed in the direction of so many institutes, Mother Franziska had to endure all kinds of suffering——persecution of her person and the congregation by misinformed or ill—intentioned parties, painful ingratitude from those whose benefactor she had been, the various obstacles in the way of the foundations, etc. The greatest part of these sufferings can only be hinted at with a few general words without being told in detail, however, to protect the honor of those persons who caused Mother Franziska these afflictions or of their descendants, who are still living. Her greatness of soul during these hours of suffering was truly worthy of admiration. No matter how great the trials, she constantly bowed to God’s adorable will and never wavered in her trust in His help. She often told her spiritual daughters that God sends these sufferings to draw us closer to Himself and encouraged them also to a patient endurance of all hardships. Her revenge toward those who brought suffering to herself or to her Congregation consisted in praying for them. So, upon hearing of his death, she ordered prayers in all the houses for the repose of the soul of a man who was not at all well—intentioned toward the Congregation and had caused Mother Franziska several bitter hours, just as if he had been the greatest friend and benefactor of the Congregation. This is one beautiful indication of the measure in which the noble heart of Mother Franziska practiced love of her enemies.
Now there is another event to add which Mother Franziska always considered the most important of her life and of which she often movingly spoke with joy——her trip to Rome and her audience with the Holy Father, Leo XIII. The reason for the trip was to thank His Holiness for the lately received gracious Decree of Recognition and the appointment of a Cardinal Protector for the Congregation. On November 17, 1885 Mother Franziska had an audience with the Emperor in which she also reported to him the appointment of Cardinal Jakobini as Protector of the Congregation and of her coming trip to Rome. His Majesty was very interested in this and said to Mother Franziska, “Tell the Pope that I am not only pleased that the Cardinal Secretary of State is your Cardinal Protector, but that I thank His Holiness for everything that he has done for your Congregation and that I ask for his prayers for myself.” Mother Franziska was very happy about this assignment becuse she rightfully believed that His Holiness would give it much weight. Their Royal Highnesses the Archduchesses Elizabeth and Marie, the first the wife of Archduke Karl Ferdinand, the second the wife of Archduke Rainer, whom Mother Franziska also visited before her departure, asked her to lay their deepest respect at the feet of His Holiness.
Before her departure, Mother Franziska sent the following letter to her spiritual daughters:
“Before the year 1885, which was so rich in events, finds its close, I cannot neglect urging all of you to join me from the heart in fervently thanking our good Heavenly Father for His blessing.
Each Superior should read the beginning of the enclosed brochure (the account of the fifteen years of the Congregation’s activity), so that all the sisters may be reminded about the graces we have received. The latest of these is that His Holiness has had a brief prepared for twelve of our houses, according to which all the sisters and those in their care can gain the plenary indulgence in the house chapels on the Feast of the Portiuncula, August 2. This could not be included in the booklet which had already been at the printers. This extra—ordinary grace will certainly be the most beautiful Christmas gift for the houses concerned. Monsignor Cadaldi gained this special grace and honor for us from the Holy Father.
How happy I am to be admitted soon with my first General Assistant, Sister Augustiria to kiss the feet of His Holiness, not only to thank him for the Decree of Praise, as well as the appointment of a Cardinal Protector, but also to be able to request the apostolic blessing for each sister and the entire Congregation. This trip to Rome is of great importance for the Congregation. For the first time the Superior and two sisters, representing the Congregation, will approach the Holy See, the Cardinals and other dignitaries, who work at the Holy See, in governing the Church. We will encounter many things of which we now can have no idea and therefore we cannot prepare ourselves for them, so we are very much in need of the prayers of our dear sisters.
I ask the Superiors to have a Holy Mass offered in each of our Convent chapels on January 7, the day of our departure and ask each sister to receive Holy Communion, offering it for us, so that the Lord will grant us His special protection and blessing and that the Holy Spirit may enlighten us that we may bring about much good for our dear Congregation. We depart for the holy city trusting in the help of the Almighty, accompanied by your prayers, equipped with all kinds of written recommendations. We will certainly remember you at the various holy places.
During our absence Sister Borgia, second General Assistant will be called to the Mother House to guide the Congregation. All letters are to be addressed to her.
In closing I ask all the sisters again to thank the Lord for all blessings and to pray very fervently for us. Isn’t it true, dear children, that you will prepare yourselves very well for the birth of the Divine Child and at year’s end remember those of our sisters who have fallen asleep this year, as is our obligation.
Now I call upon Mary that she may call the blessing of her Divine Son upon all of you and be Mother, Protectress and Superior, guiding the Congregation along with St. Joseph. In addition, I wish each one truly happy holidays and a good year’s end. Then the beginning of the year 1886 will be richly blessed. God bless and protect all of you, dear children!
With cordial greetings,
Faithful Mother,
Franziska Lechner
Mother House, December 17, 1885”
On January 7, 1886 Mother Franziska in the company of her First General Assistant and Superior of the Mother House, Sister Ignazia Egger and the Superior of the institute in Sarajevo, Sister Augustina d’Armaille, began the journey to the Eternal City with the prayers and good wishes of her spiritual daughters and the pupils in the various houses. Recognizing its importance she wanted first to ask the protection and intercession of the Mother of God at the shrine of Loretto. On January 8 the travelers reached Padua, where they honored St. Anthony. On January 9 they arrived in Loretto and were deeply moved as they entered the holy house where the Incarnation of the Son of God took place and the three holiest persons had lived. Mother Franziska had so many intentions to present to the Holy Family that the day was too short. At 11 in the evening she and her companions arrived in Rome. The next day they went to the tomb of St. Peter to commend themselves to the protection of the Prince of the Apostles. The sacredness of the place as well as the grandeur of St. Peter’s made such an overpowering - - impression that they were moved to tears. On the 13th they attended Holy Mass at the tomb of St. Peter and received Holy Communion. Mother Franziska prayed in this place for her Congregation, for those in its care, for the entire Imperial Family, the Bishops in dioceses where her sisters were working, the benefactors, and so on, until here, too, the time was too short. From there, Mother Franziska and her companions went to the Cardinal Protector Jakobini who received them in a fatherly way, informed himself thoroughly of the Congregation, and was especially happy about the honor and graciousness constantly shown toward it by the Imperial Family. Here they also met the undersecretary Mocessi, who was also very kind. Oh the 14th the pilgrims visited the tomb of St. Paul, one hour distant from Rome, the Church of “Our Lady of Snows”, and other churches. On the 15th they attended a Holy Mass in the prison of St. Peter and saw the place where the Saint lay in chains. With emotion they also contemplated the well which sprang up there and the rock upon which a soldier threw the Prince of the Apostles and where the Saint’s face was imprinted. A reverent shudder took hold of them as they viewed these holy places. Then they visited the tomb of St. Frances of Rome, the patron Saint of Mother Franziska, the Coliseum, where many thousands of Christians suffered martyrdom for Christ, and the oldest church in Rome, the Lateran. With holy reverence and deep emotion they also climbed on their knees the 28 steps of the Holy Stairs upon which Christ stood before Pilate, and which is found near the Lateran. On the 16th they went to Cardinals Hergenrother, Melchers, Laurenzi and to Monsignor Lorenzell, the Rect6r of the Bohemian College, all of whom received them very kindly. The time from the 17th until the 30th of January was also spent visiting the sanctuaries of Rome, the Catacombs, various convents, institutes and such persons whose good will could be useful to the Congregation. In the meantime Mother Franziska informed herself through the Rev. Father Daum of the Holy Spirit Fathers and a Consultor of the Sacred Congregation for Bishops and Regulars, about everything that would be necessary for the petition, to be made within a few years, for the second recognition by the Holy See, the actual approbation of the Constitutions and the Congregation, and made some preparations in this regard. The 31st was to be the happy and memorable day of the audience with the Holy Father. In the morning Mother Franziska and her companions were present at His Holiness’ Holy Mass in the chapel in the Vatican and received Holy Communion from the hands of the Vicar of Christ. There followed a second Holy Mass, for which the Holy Father also remained and after this the pilgrims were admitted to the audience. The Reverend Andreas Frisch, Canon of St. Jerome’s in Rome accompanied them and introduced Mother Franziska to His Holiness as the Foundress and Superior General of the Congregation as well as the other two sisters. After Mother Franziska had expressed her most respectful gratitude to the Holy Father for his graciousness to the Congregation, His Holiness spoke in a gracious and truly fatherly manner with her as well as with Sister Ignazia and Sister Augustina, asked about the number of houses and very especially about the activity of the sisters in Bosnia. This last, and in fact, the general rapid and richly blessed spread of the Congregation pleased the Holy Father very much. Mother Franziska also transmitted the words of gratitude from His Imperial Majesty Franz Joseph, with which the Holy Father showed great pleasure. At this he remarked that the Austrian Imperial Family not only bore the title, “Apostolic” but also has become noted for its apostolic activities and added, “Tell His Majesty that you attended the Pope’s Holy Mass and that you received Holy Communion at his hands and had a little conference. Tell him also, that I will pray for him as he asked.” The Holy Father encouraged Mother Franziska and her companions to continued zealous work and especially challenged them to work in Bosnia for the Church and civilization, because there is a great and beautiful mission. Twice during the conversation, the Holy Father grasped Mother Franziska’s hand and held on to it for a long time, then he placed his hand in blessing on her head as she knelt before him. Mother Franziska was so moved by the fatherly kindness of His Holiness that she, completely forgetting herself in her joy and holy respect, kissed his hand causing him to smile. In conclusion Mother Franziska received the Apostolic Blessing for the members of the Imperial Household, for various highly placed friends and benefactors of the Congregation as well as for herself and all the sisters. His Holiness also blessed the medals Mother Franziska had brought. along, for this purpose. he audience had lasted more than half an hour. Deeply moved and filled with holy enthusiasm, Mother Franziska and her companions left the Vatican Palace. On February 2, the Feast of Candlemas, they were to receive another proof of the Holy father’s favor. In the afternoon His Eminence Cardinal Jakobini in the company of Undersecretary Mocessi arrived at the convent of the French St Joseph Sisters where Mother Franziska was staying and gave her, as a present from His Holiness, a ca!.dle, 1 meter, 25 centimeters tall, decorated with an image of the Mother of od, the Papal Arms, flowers and scroll work, as well as some large silver medals in cases and beautiful rosaries. His Eminence remarked that receiving a candle on Candlemas Day, delivered by a Cardinal was an honor reserve for sovereigns and very highly placed persons. Mother Franziska also received a candle and two photographs of himself as a gift from Cardinal Jakobini. Of course she and her companions were overjoyed at these gifts. Upon her return from Rome, Mother Franziska had a glass case made for the candle from the Holy Father, and it was hung up in the chapel of the Vienna Marienanstalt. Later this and the candle were brought to the sisters’ choir in the church of the new Mother House. Mother Franziska gave the candle from Cardinal Jakobini to the St. Joseph Institute in Sarajevo. She kept the medals and a mother of pearl rosary from the Holy Father as precious souvenirs. In the same way, she carefully preserved the veil she had worn at the audience and upon which the hand of the Holy Father had rested. His Eminence, Cardinal Jakobini and other important persons with whom Mother Franziska spoke before her departure for Rome were overjoyed as only good friends could be, at the honors the congregation had received from the Holy Father. On February 3rd she, with her companions, began the return trip to Vienna where she arrived safely on the 7th and was joyfully received by the sisters and the pupils. By singing the hymn of praise, the “Te Deum” they thanked the Almighty for the safe return as well as all the graces granted to their spiritual mother as well as the entire Congregation through this trip. Mother Franziska, who always was glad to share her joys with her spiritual daughters had already sent news from Rome in the form of detailed reports of the experiences they had there. These reports were, at her request immediately duplicated in the Mother House and sent to the other houses. The second report, written immediately after the audience with the Holy Father, closed with these words, “Our young Congregation is greatly respected here, and much is expected of us. We are obliged to measure up to these hopes and not to disappoint them. Let us use this good will to confirm ourselves in good and to be true Daughters of Divine Charity and faithful children of Holy Church. May the blessing of the vicar of Christ be for all the sisters a stimulus for conscientious fulfillment of our obligations.” Many more times Mother Franziska told of the happy days of the Rome journey and usually, added similar encouraging and admonishing words, as those presented from her account. Just as recognition and honors were for her not an occasion of vanity but a stimulus for good, for work for God’s glory and the good of neighbor, so she wanted her spiritual daughters to receive them in the same spirit.
On February 11, 1886, during an audience with His Majesty , the Emperor, Mother Franziska fulfilled her noble mission by giving him the Holy Father’s Apostolic Blessing which pleased him very much. Upon her request, Mother Franziska was also immediately admitted to the honorable Archduchesses Adelgunde, Marie and Elizabeth and they were also overjoyed with the Blessing of the Holy Father as well as with the greetings from Cardinal Jakobini. With an equal joy Mother Franziska was received by the other important persons to whom she was assigned to bring the news of the Apostolic Blessing and everywhere she found the friendliest sympathy with the favors and good will which she and her Congregation received in Rome.